As student ambassadors, we are responsible to be familiar with the Value Proposition Canvas and Business Model Canvas to mentor visitors. We have received training on these models as well as invested time on the internet informing ourselves. We have also practiced the VPC with an existing/imaginary business to apply it to what a real life situation would look like. This has prepared us to lead guests that come in the center.

ODU student: Evelyn Sefah
Set up an appointment with Evelyn to discuss about her entrepreneurial idea in the SEC. We discussed her initial ideas on the business she would like to start. First, she was interested in creating a self-care line affordable to college students. However, being a psychology major and her interest in apps and how it connects individuals led her interest towards creating an app. She will think more in depth about the type of app she would like to create but she has expressed her interest on apps like Uber, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.
Community member: Rhonda Powell
Had an online meeting with Rhonda to discuss how members of the Professional Women Veterans Network could potentially start their YouTube channels, become content creators by chronicling their journey, support each other by subscribing, sharing, and building followers, and by default generating a powerful Professional Women Veterans Network.
Gave recommendations and guidance on how to start a YouTube channel while linking it to the Facebook page in order to promote it with their connections.
request assistance with understanding how to use (beginner) YouTube Tools, analytics, and branding.